Greetings from Ayami

Over the years, I’ve worked within the various fields of childcare support, Japanese language support, support for the disabled, and eldercare support. During this time, it has become apparent to me that Japanese immigrants are seeking in-home care services for their families from Japanese people.

As an individual, there were limitations to how many people I was able to support. I have come across many people that have the skills, knowledge, and experiences but were not able to find the appropriate environment to take advantage of it. My goal is to create an opportunity for these two groups to be able to find each other.

– Ayami Tsuboi, CEO

Our Mission

The feeling when you drink matcha… a blissful moment. A connection.

MatchaCaring’s mission is to support the overall life, education, and welfare of our clients and Japanese professional service providers and create a connection of long-term value.

For our clients, we want nothing more than to improve your own quality of life whatever circumstance or situation you are in.

For our Japanese service providers, we want to introduce you to new cultural and meaningful opportunities to work in a professional setting that allows you to fully use your skills and enrich the lives of our clients.

Interpersonal support does not always create results right away. We want to earnestly face each and everyone, so you can attain more satisfaction from life and to lead a more fulfilling life than ever before. In interpersonal support service, the values and emotions of the Japanese caregiver service providers tend to reflect on the in home care services they provide. In order to provide better caregiver services and create a better environment, we first start by focusing on the energy and happiness of the providers. After such development, high quality services will come from the providers naturally.

一期一会 Ichigo-Ichie

(One Chance, One Opportunity)

We want family home care providers to hold the core values that are similar to the spirit of ichigouichie from the traditional art of Japanese tea ceremony.

Ichigou-ichie is explained as…

“Even if we were to hold numerous tea ceremonies with the same people, this one ceremony will only happen once in our life. Since we can never return to this moment twice, we must be hospitable from the bottom of our hearts.”

In other words, even if it is your family or coworkers who you see regularly, on that day, that time, that moment, we should look well, be attentive, be mindful, and wholeheartedly carry on the duties as a provider.

This Organization is a Company for Both Our Customers and Family Care Service Providers

We want to create an environment where the home care service providers and service acceptors can meet an even level of supply and demand by providing and accepting just the necessary amount of services. We strongly believe our organization exists for people to shine and live with happiness.

It would be our pleasure if we can deliver the spirit of Japanese hospitality and culture, across boundaries to as many people as we can.